Sunday, May 17, 2020

Military Is A Powerful Defense System Vital For A Governed...

A military is a powerful defense system vital to a governed nations democracy. The United States military is a trusted entity however it’s very powerful and possesses the capabilities to become tyrannical without sufficient supervision and control. Recognizing the demand for a military but the undoubted need for control so as not to allow for it to become too powerful, the Founders responded with the creation and notion of political civilian control of the military. Civilian control leaves strategic decision making in the hands of political leadership as opposed to military officers maintaining balance. As in todays era we find President Barack Obama, a political figurehead, and his orders for military engagements impacting various†¦show more content†¦In Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist 26 and Federalist 29 he wrote of warnings of a standing militia force outlining the hazards and to be wary when employing militia and or military force. In exercising civilian control of the military the public become more aware of proposals, preventing what would be a Vietnam-like repeat with extreme distaste with military engagements. Vietnam was a war in which general public thought the military was winning until suddenly it b ecame evident that it would be drawn out and increasingly expensive. Inherited wars, wars in which Presidents assume office within wartime, became increasingly straining on war efforts during the Vietnam War. During that era the United States went through five Presidents of which included Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Arguably, during that time period there was a breakdown in civilian military control as bad policy and strategy adversely affected civilian-military communications. Samuel P. Huntington wrote in his book, The Soldier and the State that â€Å"proper subordination of a component, professional military to the ends of policy as determined by civilian authority† summarizing what he deemed the be the necessity for civilian control to prevent a military defeat or a coup. In his writing he stresses what he calls â€Å"objective control† or maximizing efficiency and effectiveness with an

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