Sunday, December 29, 2019

Childhood Memories Essay - 1204 Words

Mostly the things I remember about being six had to do with simple suburban life: the driveway, the front yard, the field down the side yard, the woods behind the house. My brothers and I were always told â€Å"go outside and play,† and we did. We biked, triked and scooted up and down the driveway. Then there was a basketball to bounce. Lots and lots of running around and a version of tag in the backyard we called â€Å"monster.† My world was pretty clear and contained. Brothers to keep up with, yellow dandelions along at the end of the driveway, the field full of pricker bushes, milkweed pods, ugly sumac trees here, a grove of pine trees in the woods near the creek. All I remember was play, except for church on Sundays. Except for times I remember†¦show more content†¦Instead of an organ, we had a rock band with a drum set. Our hymnal was called â€Å"Hymns Hot and Carols Cool.† Pot luck dinner always included lumpy casseroles made with textured vegetab le protein. Eventually men started showing up to church with go-tees and pony tails. Ours was a hippy church. And I guess the Easter I got arrested was some kind of hippy-church field-trip. It was Easter weekend 1965, I think. To celebrate Good Friday, the day Christians remember Jesus’s crucifixion, my dad had collaborated with some of the black churches in the â€Å"inner city† to drive around Monroe county and pray. There’s an old Catholic tradition of praying â€Å"the stations of the cross† to commemorate Jesus’s condemnation, his walk of shame to the hill of Golgotha and his getting nailed to the cross, and his last words. Catholics pray in church. We hippy protestants, it turned out would gather together, black/white, old/young, city-folk and suburb-folk and wander around the county picking places of inequality, poverty, and injustice to pray upon. DRAFT Essay #6 family story Hughes 2 It all started early Friday morning. We white Presbyterians took our yellow bus downtown to meet a church full of black Baptists and there yellow bus , we mixed everybody up and then we started the prayer-a-thon. As my father tells it, we prayed for fair wages at a plastics factory, for clean air and water at a waste dump, for better schools at a crummy looking high school on the east sideShow MoreRelatedMemories Of Childhood Memories702 Words   |  3 Pagesis obvious that our childhood memories are not accidental. When you are a child every scent, every sound, every move, every toy, the first day of school, the first kiss, the first step. Everything together makes what is the personality of a man. All these are pieces of one whole entity. My childhood was filled with memories filled with emotion and meaning. But which of the memories I have is the brightest and most emotional for me? I then realized that the best childhood memory does not always haveRead MoreChildhood Memories2400 Words   |  10 PagesChildhood is the most innocent phase of mans life. With the passage of time, it fades into adolescence and adulthood. Yet the sweet memories of childhood linger on. My childhood recollections are those of a sheltered and carefree life, nurtured with love and concern. As I was the first child in the family, everybody doted on me. My funny lisping, my innocent mischief and my inane talk-everything was a source of immense pleasure to them. There was never a word of reproach or censure against meRead MoreEssay On Childhood Memories1065 Words   |  5 Pagesis difficult, especially when the memory is from the person s childhood. If the child was under three years old then they will have child amnesia also known as infantile amnesia. Conversely at the age four years old and younger the children will not be able to hold the memories, making all of them forgotten. Jim has just learned that his memory of his parents winning the lottery was wrong, and there are many different reasons as to why his perception of the memory is wrong. For Jim, he could haveRead More My Childhood Memory Essay755 Words   |  4 PagesMy Childhood Memory It was the fourth grade. I always heard rumors and gossip about a certain teacher. This year, kids said to take any teacher except Mrs. Williams, the oral project teacher. Of course in elementary, we did not have a choice of which teacher to choose. Boy, I was shocked when I glanced at the window that had my schedule. Just by looking at that plain white piece of paper sticking on a safety-glass window, I knew it was going to be a bad year. The old, grouchy, strict, and meanRead MoreChildhood Memories And Its Effects On Our Lives1173 Words   |  5 PagesWe each have memories, both from long ago and recent times, that we hold dear to us. Memories get us through the hard days and keep us chipper in the good ones. The past is what makes us who we are. It shapes how we act, how we treat others, and simply just what we do on a day to day basis. Memories are the little things that keep this world running smoothly. Imagine what it would be like to lose those memories. What if you were to forget things to the point you were losing your functionality?Read MoreChildhood Trauma And Its Impact On Memory2617 Words   |  11 PagesMemory provides individuals with an understanding of who they are; allows one to remember or reflect on the past; consider ideas and execute skills in the present; and learn, strategize, and resolve issues based on prior knowledge and experiences. More importantly, memory is an essential cognitive ability which enables one to carry out executive functions. Skills such as planning, problem solving, reasoning, decision making, organization, and multi-tasking all rely on intact memory abilities. WithRead MoreMy Memories Of My Early Childhood Essay1903 Words   |  8 PagesMy earliest memory I remember as a child is around the age of two years old. My Mother would put me in the playpen but I refused to stay. I was able to climb out of it. I remembered my Mother’s face expression that let me know that I better not climb out of the playpen a gain. This was one of my earliest memories of her setting her boundaries. When I got older, my Mother told me about the situation. She needed to clean and/or cook so she had to put me in the playpen. At the age of two years old,Read MoreMy Memories Of Childhood Through The Present Day Essay893 Words   |  4 Pages1. â€Å"Reflect upon your own life from your earliest memories of childhood through the present day. Using the material you have learned in this class and your experiences with being a virtual parent, discuss 3 aspects of your development: social/emotional, cognitive, physical or your personality/temperament.† A) Social/Emotional: As I child I wasn’t the child that cries a lot or was whining. According to my mom I was always quite, and I didn’t have much interest in to cartoons. My mother also mentionedRead MoreMy Childhood Memories Essay1505 Words   |  7 PagesFor the first two planes of my development, the majority of my memories are fighting with my parents and siblings. I have never really gotten along with my family and I don’t know why. I guess it’s because my mother’s and personalities are too similar and they clash.There have been lots of crucial things in my life that have made me into the person that I am today. Not all of them have been great, or something that I want to remember, but some are great and I never want to forget them. The fact thatRead MoreChildhood Amnesia and the Beginnings of Memory for Four Early Life Events1228 Words   |  5 Pagesreport memories dating from much before about three years of age. For the purpose of this a ssessment I have chosen the ‘Childhood Amnesia and the Beginnings of Memory for Four Early Life Events’ conducted by JoNell A. Usher and Ulric Neisser, published in 1993 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Therefore, in the following paragraphs I will outline the aim of the study, the methodology and the overall findings. The current research indicates that most of the early memories are of

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Is A Marriage Without Love And Respect - 929 Words

What is a marriage without love and respect? Biblically, we see that not only is a husband to love his wife as much as he loves his body, but a wife is to respect her husband just as equally. Without love there will be no respect, and without respect there will be no love. In Ephesians 5:22-33 we read about how a husband is head of the household and a wife is to subject to her husband. In today’s society, we often have trouble applying these principles into our love lives. In Ephesians 5:22-24 the subject of the husband being head of the wife is discussed. Back in the old days, this was a more common practice than it is in today’s society. Feminists have become a large group in our communities today. These are men and women who believe that all genders are equal, and there should be no head of the household. There is a standard way of looking at a married couple (i.e. the woman stays home and cooks, cleans, etc; the man goes to work and brings home the money), and it is the feminists’ mission to abolish this way of looking at a marriage. In verse 24 it states that the woman is to subject to her husband the same as the church subjects itself to Christ. I think the reason most people have a problem with this concept is because they do not know how literal to take it. Is the woman to subject all of her thoughts, ideas, dreams, or even her body just to please and keep her husband happy? When I think of my future marriage with my husband, I like to think of how we can share ourShow MoreRelatedWhy Don t You Write One?1294 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, marriage has been a sacred tradition practiced amongst the majority of the world. The moral basis of what makes a great partner or how to find said partner is very debatable. Some believe arranged marriages are the most successful. Meanwhile, the clichà © of â€Å"love at the first sight† has been at the forefront. It has been a socially demanded way to find love in modern, Weste rn culture but there is no â€Å"international standard† to accomplishing a great, healthy marriage. It leads to manyRead MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1649 Words   |  7 Pagesis pre-occupied with the theme of marriage. Marriage is a central issue of a woman’s life but it was even more crucial for the women of her society where women were largely dependent on the men in their lives. As a result, women pursued socio-economic stability through marriage. However, it is clear through the novel that Austen did not agree with this part of her society. In Pride and Prejudice, she gives preference to a marriage which is based on love and respect. This can be seen through the mainRead MoreWhat Makes A Successful Marriage?906 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Makes a Successful Marriage? Married for life. What does that phrase make you feel? Trapped, or secure? For some, marriage is little more than a romantic promise and a legal agreement. But promises for them can be broken. People who view marriage this way find it quite easy to give up on their marriage when things go wrong. Nerveless even when in our world of changing standards, marriage is no longer held in high esteem, many people consider it a perfect union. Marriage can be likened to aRead MoreA Happy Marriage By Fawn Weaver994 Words   |  4 Pages A Happy Marriage: New York Times Bestselling Author, Fawn Weaver, points out that The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace† (Weaver). The quote helps give examples on what defines a happy marriage. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word happy is defined as feeling or showing pleasure or contentment and the word marriage is defined in this context as The legally or formally recognized unionRead MoreThe World Should Not Sit On The Idea Of Chivalry1299 Words   |  6 Pagesbe honest with people close to them, respectful to those around them, and committed to what is important to them. Without a code of chivalry, the world has no sense of direction. In today’s society, people are dishonest with themselves and others. People who are dishonest cannot be trusted and ruin relationships with people close to them. For example, politicians are dishonest with citizens in order to get what they want. Jena McGregor, a journalist for the â€Å"Washington Post†, stated, â€Å"Even the ‘typicalRead MoreMarriage and Relationships According to Christians Essay886 Words   |  4 PagesMarriage and Relationships According to Christians The principles that Christians believe should guide their personal relationships are: * Trust * Tolerance * Understanding * Forgiveness * Caring * Respect The first principle that I believe should play a large role in a Christian’s personal relationship is trust, without trust the couple’s relationship would crumble. The whole relationship must be based on Read MoreMarriage Is A Fundamental And Vital Establishment1467 Words   |  6 PagesMarriage is a fundamental and vital establishment across the large majority of cultures and societies around the world. An arranged marriage typically refers to a circumstance in which primarily someone other than the partners themselves chooses marriage spouses. These other persons are normally the parents, but they may also be another kin. It is a merging of not only two people, but of two families through the process of agreement as well. Nevertheless, arranged marriages are an intricate subjectRead MoreWhy Marriage Is Important?1004 Words   |  5 PagesDefining Marriage â€Å"You’re going to regret it†, â€Å"Are you sure you’re ready?†, â€Å"Don’t do it!† These are a couple phrases used by family members or close family friends daily when speaking to an engaged couple soon to be married. Yes, various amounts of congrats are given however more than often marriage is referred to as a negative word and sparks up negative thoughts and conversations. Why marriage in today’s society viewed as a negative act? It is well known that not all marriages are â€Å"happily† marriedRead MoreArranged Marriage : The Union Between Two People For Better And Worse1724 Words   |  7 PagesOctober 2014 Arranged marriage Marriage is known as the union between two people for better and worse where they both love and respect each other. So what should be the right definition for arranged marriage? Simply arranged marriage is defined as, a traditional marriage that is arranged by the families of the bride and groom where both of them give their consent to be married. This type of marriage is quite common in Muslim communities, royal families (Diplomatic Marriages) and some countries likeRead MoreAnalysis Of Ephesians 5 : 21-33986 Words   |  4 Pages When it comes to love and respect and what the bible says about this many look in Ephesians 5:21-33, many significant points can be taken from here to create a happy home environment. There are so many things to consider when being in a marriage with a man or a woman. Whether it is how to love, how to treat one another, and even how to respect each other. In the first three verses, 22 through 24, it talks about how wives are to submit to their husbands. It describes it as the man being the head

Friday, December 13, 2019

Colonization Free Essays

Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. I have described both societies in an attempt to demonstrate their developments. Virginia Colony In 1607 a group of merchants established England s first permanent colony in North America at Jamestown, Virginia. We will write a custom essay sample on Colonization or any similar topic only for you Order Now They operated as a joint-stock company that allowed them to sell shares of stock in their company and use the pooled investment capital to outfit and supply overseas expeditions. This joint tock company operated under a charter from James I with a concern for bringing Christian religion to the native people. However, most of the settlers probably agreed with Captain John Smith that the real aim was profit rather than religion. Profits were elusive in the early years; expectations of gold and other minerals, trade with Indians for beaver and deer skins were not to be had by the colonists. Many Virginia colonists died of dysentery, malaria and malnutrition. The Virginia Company sent a diverse collection of people to Jamestown; there ere artists and glassmakers, as well as unskilled servants. Both types of people adapted poorly to the wilderness conditions. Relations between the colonists and the Indians were bitter from the beginning. John Smith dealt with the Indians by shows of force and the Indians withdrew trade with the English. Many settlers died of starvation in the first years. The discovery that tobacco would grow in the Chesapeake region was a salvation for Virginia. The planters shipped the first crop in 1617 and thereafter tobacco cultivation spread rapidly. By 1624, Virginia was xporting 200,000 pounds of tobacco; by 1638 the crop exceeded 3 million pounds. The cultivation of tobacco caused Virginia s planters to find a reliable supply of cheap labor. To fill this need, planters recruited immigrants from various countries. These immigrants were called indentured servants. They willingly sold a portion of their working lives in exchange for free passage across the Atlantic ocean. Many of the indentured servants were unemployed and held the lower class on the social ladder from their places of origin. Life for indentured servants was often a nightmare. If diseases did not kill them, many succumbed to the brutal work routine that harsh masters imposed upon them. When the remaining servants neared the end of their contract, masters would find ways to add time to the contracts. The profitable tobacco crops created an intense demand for land. As more and more colonists settled along the rivers that flowed in Chesapeake Bay, the local Indian tribes retaliated. The murder of an Indian captain triggered a fierce Indian assault that dealt a staggering blow to Virginia. This attack led to the bankruptcy of the Virginia Company. The surviving planters felt they had justified reasons for the destruction of the Indians. As more settlers arrived, more pressure was placed on the Indians for land. Wars over land was provoked in 1644 and again in 1675. In each of these conflicts, the colonizers were victorious. The native population of Virginia was reduced to less than 1,000 by 1680. Immigrants to the Chesapeake Bay region found existence difficult. Many immigrants arrived as indentured servants and could not marry until their time was paid. Once marriage was made, diseases claimed many within about seven years. Few children growing up could expect to have both parents alive. Widows and widowers often remarried soon after the death of their spouse, creating a complex web of family life. Because of mortality, the Chesapeake settlers remained, for most of the seventeenth-century, a land of immigrants rather than a land of settled families. Social institutions such as churches and schools took root very slowly. The Chesapeake region architecture showed the fragility of life in the tobacco growing environment. Settlers at first built primitive huts and shanties. After establishing crops, planters improved their habitats but still built ramshackle one-room dwellings. Even as Virginia and Maryland matured, cheaply built and cramped houses remained the norm. Life was too uncertain and the tobacco economy was too volatile. Massachusetts Bay Colony While some English settlers scrambled for wealth on the Chesapeake, others were seized by the spirit of religion. These individuals were known as Puritans. They aimed their efforts at reforming the corrupt new land. They wanted the new land to have a special mission in the world. The people attracted to the Puritan movement were not only religious reformers but also men and women who hoped to find changes in English society. They disapproved of the growing withdrawal from traditional restraints of individual action. They worried that individualistic behavior would undermine the notion of community involvement. This community involvement was the belief that people were bound together by reciprocal rights, obligations, and responsibilities. Puritans vowed to reverse the march of disorder, wickedness and disregard for community by imposing a new discipline. Their intention was to establish communities of pure Christians who collectively swore a covenant with God to work for his ends. Civil and religious transgressors were rooted out and severely punished. Their emphasis was on homogeneous communities where the good of the group outweighed individual interests. The first winter for the Puritans was harsh, more than 200 of the first 700 settlers died and 100 others returned to the England in the next spring. But Puritans kept coming. Motivated by their work ethic and sense of mission, the Puritans thrived almost from the beginning. The early leaders were university-trained ministers, experienced members of the lesser gentry and men with a compulsion to fulfill what they knew was God s prophecy for New England. Most of the ordinary settlers came as free men in with families. Trained artisans and farmers from the mid rank of English society, they established close communities where brutal exploitation of labor had no place. The Puritans built a sound economy based on agriculture, fishing, timbering and trading for beaver furs with local Indians. They also established the first printing press and planted they seed of a university, Harvard College. The Puritan leaders also created a tax-supported school system. In 1647, the government ordered every town with 50 families to establish an elementary school and every town with 100 families a secondary school as well. Although the Puritans had made many accomplishments, there were some dissenters from the Puritan way of life. In 1633, Salem s Puritan minister, Roger Williams, began to voice disturbing opinions on church and government policies. Williams denounced mandatory worship and argued that government officials should not interfere with religious matters. In 1634, Anne Hutchinson began to discuss religion, suggesting that the holy spirit was absent in the preaching of some ministers. Hutchinson also offended the male leaders of the colony because she boldly stepped outside the subordinate position expected of women. The village was the vital center of Puritan life. These villages were small and tightly held. Many farmers established agriculture fields set outside the village. Families lived close together in compact towns built around a common meeting place. These small, communal villages kept families in close touch. Land was istributed to individuals according to the size of his family, his wealth and his usefulness to the church and town. It was believed that every family should have enough land to sustain it, and prospering men were expected to use their wealth for the community s benefit, not for themselves. Women played a vital role in this family centered society. The presence of women and a stable family life strongly affected New England s architecture. Early economic gains were transformed into substantial housing. Well constructed one-room houses with sleeping lofts quickly replaced the huts. Parlors and lean-to kitchens were added as soon as possible. Education was stressed in Puritan communities. Placing religion at the center of their lives, Puritans emphasized the ability to read catechisms, psalmbooks and especially the Bible. The 20,000 English immigrants who had come to New England by 1649 were dispersed from Maine to Long Island. It was only natural that farmers wished for better farm land. To combat the problems of dispersion, Puritan leaders established a broad intercolony political structure in 1643 called the Confederation of New England. This first attempt at federalism managed to function fitfully for a generation. Although the Puritans built stable communities, developed the economy and constructed effective government, their leaders, as early as the 1640s, complained that the founding vision of Massachusetts Bay was faltering. Material concerns seemed to outweigh religious commitments and the individual prevailed over the community. However, New England had achieved economic success and political stability by the end of the seventeenth century. Towns functioned efficiently, poverty was uncommon, public education was mandated and family life was stable. How to cite Colonization, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Parts Of The Brain And Their Function Essay Example For Students

Parts Of The Brain And Their Function Essay The brain was a mystery for a very long time. Modern imaging has allowed us to study the brain and locate where important functions are occurring. Please remember that the functions do not happen in just one area of the brain. Many neural layers and areas are found in any one activity that happens. But What we do know though is that some areas do appear to be predominantly involved in certain functions. We Will learn about the brain in the three-part model. Well first look at the handrail. The handrail is located where the spinal cord goes into the cranium. The first area that we see if the medulla. It is the swelling at the tip of the spinal cord. It is concerned with all of our automatic functioning, such as breathing heart rate and swallowing. We do not have to think about these things, they happen automatically. Inside the medulla is a part called the reticulum activation system. It is concerned with arousal, attention and sleep. The second part of the handrail that we see is the cerebellum, The cerebellum is sometimes called the small brain. It controls all of our fine motor functioning and balance. For example, when you first learn to ride a bike, you have to think about everything you do. After you learn to ride a bike, it becomes totally automatic, and that is because of the cerebellum, The next part that we see is the pond. Pond means bridge in Greek and thats exactly what the pond is. It is a bridge taking in all of our sensory information and taking it to the cortex to be interpreted. The second part of the brain is the mandarin. The mandarin takes all of the incoming neural information and channels it to the correct part of the cortex to be interpreted. It is also involved in muscle tone and helps in sleep, wakefulness and attention. The foreordain is the last part of the brain to be studied. It is he most complicated part of the brain, and it is what separates us as human beings from other animals. When we first look inside the skull, what we see is the cerebrum. The cerebrum is composed Of two parts called hemispheres. One is on the right side and one is on the left side. The outer covering of the cerebrum is called the cortex. It is made up Of What is called convolutions the worm-like structures that you see when you look at the brain. We can look at the cortex in another way and divide the cortex into four sections called lobes. The function of the lobe is to interpret information coming in from our senses. Located in the back of the head is the occipital lobe. The occipital lobe processes visual information, or what we see. Coming to the top of the head is the parietal lobe. The parietal lobe processes information on pain, touch, temperature and pressure. Located on the sides of our head, right above our ears, are the temporal lobes. The temporal lobes process auditory information, emotion, and have a part in memory. Located right above our forehead is our frontal lobe, It is the largest part to the cortex and the part to our brain that makes us human. It is involved in speech production, logical and rational thought, and has the ability to understand and plan the future. There are two areas behind the frontal lobe. The first one is the motor cortex and it interprets our muscular sensations. Right behind it is the sensory cortex and it is the part of the cortex that tries to coordinate all of the information coming in from all of our senses. C KC Distance Learning On the inside of the cerebrum is the limbic system. The limbic system is a primitive part Of the cerebral cortex. .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .postImageUrl , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:hover , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:visited , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:active { border:0!important; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:active , .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787 .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9cce608810b0ff9283a84a9fe0e17787:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Defining Visual arts EssayIt is made up Of several parts that have a function in the everyday working of the brain. The first part is the corpus colossal. It is a band Of nerve fibers that hold the right and left hemisphere getter. It allows the right side of our brain to know what the left side is doing, and the left side to know what the right side is doing. The second structure is the thalamus. The thalamus is sort of a relay center of the brain. It takes in all of the sensory information and takes it to the cortex to be interpreted, and takes it from the cortex back to the spinal cord to get back to the body. The next part is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls all of our drives and tries to maintain homeostasis, Homeostasis is an equilibrium at which our body functions best. The hypothalamus controls drives such as hunger, thirst and sex. The next structure is the hippopotamus, The hippopotamus is very important in the processing of our short-term memories into long-term memories. This is the part of the brain that is first attacked by the disease Alchemists, The hippopotamus also helps us in facial recognition. The next part is the magical. The magical adds emotion to memory _ It also has a direct role in the formation of our memories. Located inside our frontal lobe are two areas that help in our speech production. The first is Broochs area. Gore most people, all right-handed people, and most left-handed people, Broochs area is located in the left hemisphere. This allows LIST to speak. It coordinates what we want to say With our tongues and our muscles. The next area is located a little bit behind Broochs area more toward the temporal lobe is Wrenchs area. Wrenchs area allows us to understand What is spoken to us. Patients With severe epilepsy have allowed us to discover another important concept about our brains. To help severe epileptics when drugs failed. A dramatic operation was performed and it involved cutting the corpus colossus. As you can remember, the corpus colossus is the band of nerve fibers that holds the hemispheres together. Separating the hemispheres allows the seizures to be localized and not spread from hemisphere to the other, The split-brain patient will learn that the hemispheres will have distinct, different functions. This is called alternation, The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. It also coordinates our language abilities because it has both Broochs area and Wrenchs area in it. The left side is also the logical, rational brain and excels in such areas as science and math. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, It excels in spatial abilities. It is our artistic and musical part of our brain. It also has a function in detecting and emoting emotions. In all but split-brain patients, we use all of our brains and both hemispheres since they communicate with each other. The right hemisphere knows what is happening in the left hemisphere, and the left hemisphere knows whats going on in the right hemisphere. Here is a fun activity for you to try. You will need four sheets of paper and a pencil. You need to be right-handed or find a friend or family member who is. Put a pencil in our right hand and tap a sheet of paper for one minute. Take the second sheet of paper and put the pencil in your left hand and AP that sheet of paper for a minute. Now switch @ KC Distance Learning back to your right hand and tap the sheet of paper for a minute, but for the entire minute talk. Repeat the same thing With the left hand for one minute While youre talking. You should see a decrease on the paper in the amount of taps in the right hand taping While you were talking.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Influences of Music free essay sample

Enemy by Green day, makes me feel uncomfortable and upset due to its heavy, loud, and fast beat. Besides, according to North, Tartan, and Harvested(2004), listeners who listen to a nonviolent rock song will have lower levels of opposed feelings than listeners who listen to a rock song with aggressive lyrics. Conversely, when I am upset or angry, a pop music, like Live High by Jason Mrs., can change my mood completely. Its smooth voice and soft tone fit perfectly together. And it has such a huge impact on me; it gives me a chill feeling which can help me feel better and get rid of such things.Furthermore, the lyrics of some song can make me smile unexpectedly, such as Happy by Amoco. The song says Dont You Give up, Keep Your Chin up, And Be Happy. It expresses that no matter what happens, just stay strong and be happy. We will write a custom essay sample on The Influences of Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is such a lovely phrase that can instantly turn my whole world upside down. Music has an impact on thoughts. Machete (2010) said that a study of 121 Midwestern high school students music preference pointed out that 75 percent of girls who like listening to heavy metal music have thought about suicide compared with 35 percent of girls who like listening to other kinds of music.Plus, almost 50 percent of boys who favor heavy metal have considered suicide compared to others who like listening to non-metal music. On the other hands, music can have a positive benefit on thoughts. Some song has meaningful lyrics that can motivate people. F-or example, the lyrics from Lose Yourself by Mine: You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime It tries to convince people that you had better not let any opportunity slips away by not trying to grab it.This song can truly motivate me and change my thought. Used to think that there are abundant opportunities out there, a nd can catch it whenever I want. Then, this song totally changed my thought. Music influences behavior. According to Palmer(2003), researchers from Iowa State University and the Texas Department of Human Services found that aggressive behavior is perpetuated from offensive music lyrics and have long- term effects. Slinger(2005) stated that Richard Paul White, Colorado serial killer, said his action was inspired by the song Ride the lightning by Metallic.In the following lyrics: Guilty as charged But damn it, it anti right There is someone else controlling me Death in the air Strapped in the electric chair This cant be happening to me Who made you God to say Ill take your life from you! This phrase influenced him to commit the crime. Beside, in case of drug addiction, Not an addict by KS Choice is a good example due to its lyrical content. It says Its not a habit, its cool, I feel alive. If you dont have it, youre on the other side. Im not an addict (maybe thats a lie). It indicates that using rug is cool and you might be sort of weird if you do not use it.In fact, using drug does not even come close to the word cool. Therefore, it this lyrics might affect people in a poor way that they have to behave like this in order to be cool. To conclude, music has a massive effect on peoples lives. People listen to it almost every day and that gives music a power to be able to influence Our lives. Peoples moods, thoughts, and behaviors can be affected by the lyrical and tonal content of the song they listen to. It has both advantage and disadvantage, so it depends on which side they choose to perceive. The Influences of Music free essay sample Due to humans creations, such as televisions and radios, which make music be heard more easily. Unsurprisingly, it becomes a huge part of peoples lives. It has a connotation in itself. Therefore, this essay will illustrate that music can influence people in various ways: feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Feelings can be affected by music.For me, rock songs, such as Know Your Enemy y Green day, makes me feel uncomfortable and upset due to Its heavy, loud, and fast beat. Besides, according to North, Tartan, and Harvested(2004), listeners who listen to a nonviolent rock song will have lower levels of opposed feelings than listeners who listen to a rock song with aggressive lyrics. Conversely, when I am upset or angry, a pop music, like Live High by Jason Mrs., can change my mood completely. Its smooth voice and soft tone fit perfectly together. And it has such a huge impact on me; it gives me a chill feeling which can help me feel better and get rid of such things. We will write a custom essay sample on The Influences of Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, the lyrics of some song can make me smile unexpectedly, such as Happy by Amoco. The song says Dont You Give up, Keep Your Chin up, And Be Happy. It expresses that no matter what happens, just stay strong and be happy. It is such a lovely phrase that can instantly turn my whole world upside down. Music has an impact on thoughts. Machete (2010) said that a study of 121 Midwestern high school students music preference pointed out that 75 percent of girls who like listening to heavy metal music have thought about suicide compared with 35 percent of girls who Like listening to other kinds of music. Plus, almost 50 percent of boys who favor heavy metal have considered suicide compared to others who Like listening to non-metal music. On the other hands, music can have a positive benefit on thoughts. Some song has meaningful lyrics that can motivate people. For example, the lyrics from Lose Yourself by Amine: You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once In a lifetime It tries to convince people that you had better not let any opportunity slips away by to trying to grab it.This song can truly motivate me and change my thought. I used to think that there are abundant opportunities out there, and I can catch it whenever I want. Then, this song totally changed my thought. Music influences behavior. According to Palmer(2003), researchers from Iowa State university and the Texas Department of Human Services found that aggressive behavior Is perpetuated from offensive music lyrics and have long-term effects. Challenger(2005) stated that Richard Paul White, Colorado serial killer, said his action was inspired by the song Ride the sighting by Metallic.In the following lyrics: Guilty as charged But damn it, it anti right There is someone else controlling me Death In the alarm Strapped In the electric chair No made you God to say Ill take your life from you! Irish phrase influenced him to commit the crime. Beside, in case of drug addiction, Not an addict by KS Choice is a good example due to its lyrical content. It says Its not a habit, its cool, I feel alive. If you dont have it, youre on the other side. Im not an addict (maybe thats a lie). It indicates that using drug is cool and you might be rot of weird if you do not use it.In fact, using drug does not even come close to the Nor cool. Therefore, it this lyrics might affect people in a poor way that they have to behave like this in order to be cool. To conclude, music has a massive effect on peoples lives. People listen to it almost every day and that gives music a power to be able to influence our lives. Peoples moods, thoughts, and behaviors can be affected by the lyrical and tonal content of the song they listen to. It has both advantage and disadvantage, so it depends on which side they choose to perceive.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay Example

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay Example The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Paper The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Paper Essay Topic: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Barry J. Owens Jr. October 9, 2008 Eng. 262-Paper 1 Dr. Liesl Ward The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Have you ever made a decision that you eventually regretted? We make decisons on a daily basis. The decisions that we make have consequences. Some of the consequences are good and some are bad. We should be very careful when making decisions, because there are some decisions that you cannot easily change. In Mr. Coleridge’s’ poem, â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner†, we find an elderly man who has made the wrong decision. In the Christian aspect, a bad decision is a sin. It is hard for me not to believe that Mr. Coleridge develops this poem from a Christian aspect. The theme of the story reminds me of the salvation of a personwho has become a Christian. The poem also reminds me of the story of Adam and Eve. I find it interesting that the mariner told this story to a person that was going to a wedding, When Christians witness to others most of the time the listeners do not want to listen. The ancient mariner commits the sin, realizes that he has sinned, faces punishment for his sin, is redeemed from his sin, and is required to share his testimony with others. The ancientmariner makes the wrong decision when he decides to kill the albatross. He did not have any need to kill the albatross. He did not have anything else to do. He didn’t even think about what would happen if he killed the albatross. He just did it. Most of the time when we make decisions we do not weigh the consequences. The mariner realizes that he has â€Å"done a hellish thing† (2. 91). He does realize his wrongdoing until after it is done. Most Christians do not think about their wrong decisions while they are in the act. It does not dawn on them until after it is done and most of the time, by then it is too late. Themariner probably wanted to impress the other men that were on the ship. The albatross reminds me of Jesus Christ. He died because mankind sins. The albatross died to change the heart and mindset of the Ancient Mariner. We are not told exactly why the mariner killed the albatross or what were his intentions, but we do know that the albatross is dead. The ancient mariner also realizes that the albatross had brought good things and was meant to bring joy. He learns a lesson from his sin. The lesson that he learns is that God created all things equal, whether it is a human, or an animal. He also learns that every creature has its own niche. Nature punishesthe mariner by not giving him a â€Å"drop of water to drink†. (122) The crewmen’s mouths were so dry that they did not have any saliva to swallow. Nature punishes them by not providing them with any winds and the ship barely moved. Nature also punished the crewman by creating an uncomfortable environment. The mariner was not only punished by nature, but he is punished by the crewmen on the ship. They were upset with him for killing the albatross and claimed that it was his fault that they were in this horrible situation. The crewmen gives themariner gave the mariner â€Å"evil looks†. (139) The crewmen also punished him by putting the dead albatross on his neck. The crewmen do not take any blame for telling him that it was alright to kill the albatross. The crewmen, however, did face punishment. The crewman all passed away. The mariner wasthe only one that remained alive and this was perhaps the biggest punishment. I believe that the only way that the mariner could truly repent was for the crewman to die. The ancient mariner proves to mankind that when you are sincere and when you pray to God he will forgive you immediately. The average person does not forgive you that quickly. After he is finally was able to spend some time with God he was able to lift the burden. The â€Å"albatross fell off â€Å"(290). The albatross symbolizes the sin and when he repented the sin was removed. The Christian belief is that when you accept Jesus into your life and ask him to forgive you, sin is removed. When Jesus lifts your burdens, he will bear them for you. The ancient mariner finally realizes that he should respect all living creatures. He realizes that God has given us dominion over the animals and we should respect them. At times, we believe that if we hurt an animal that we have not sinned, but God looks at all of his creatures the same. We should make sure that we are taking good care of God’s creatures, because he gave us dominion over them. God is the best creator, because he loves â€Å"all things both great and small† (615). There are many times in life we take advantage of the animals that God has placed on Earth. We should appreciate the animals. The mariner did not appreciate the albatross until after it was dead, but it is a part of God’s will so that he can tell others the consequences of sins. I believe that God sometimes has to punish us to make us see ourselves. If God would have let the mariner easily get away with killing the albatross, he would have never developed a respect for animals. He probably would have just sin again. After God forgives our sin and saves us, we are required to become recruiters for him. We must tell others of his goodness. The mariner was happy to share his testimony with others. The big companies use the celebrities to share their testimony of how well they enjoy the product. In God’s eyes, everyone is a celebrity and we all have the responsibility of sharing our testimony with others. Our testimonies are not the same, but we all can relate, because sin is sin. The mariner is grateful that God chooses him to share his experience and can’t help but share it. Themariner is grateful that he has accepted God and wants to make sure that everyone gets a chance to accept God. There are people who believe that experience is the best teacher; however at times I believe that wisdom is the best teacher. If I can listen to someone that has been down the same road before I would rather take their advice than to go through the horrible punishment of sin. The wedding guest left â€Å"a sadder and wiser man†. (624). He is probably saddened by the story when the punishment of sin is told. The wedding guest will leave wiser, because now he knows that he doesn’t have to face sin and its punishments, he can just talk to God and ask for forgiveness.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Technology impact on children in USA Research Paper

Technology impact on children in USA - Research Paper Example Rather than spending loads of time on computer and TV, it is also vital for children to spend their time on other activities. It can also create negative impact on children. Children spending large sum of time on television and Computer are prone to become fat. Despite having some negative impact, computer games can help children to learn new things. Children find it easier to learn from technology. Computer games also have some negative impact on children. Some violent games can affect the mentality of children and would sometimes lead to increase in aggressive behavior and increase in aggressive feelings. Real world violence shown in many violent games can change the behavior of children in to aggressive. Some survey revealed that maximize use of social networking sites and inter net can lead to aloneness and depression. Children are too small to visualize the difference between real world and virtual world. Violent aggressive response shown in game games can make create difficulty on mind of children to verify difference of simulation and real world. Technology holds a pivotal role for the development of children to teenager. Technology can have positive and negative impact on growth of children to teenager. In has been surveyed in the year 1999, percentage of children having gaming console in 67%. 60% of the children have home computers. And more than 37% of children are so me way or another connected to internet. Recent survey reveals the popularity and addiction of computer and internet among children. Children aged between 8 and 18 are asked that, if they are taken in to desert isle then what things they would carry with them. Most of the children replied access to internet and computer. The addiction and popularity of technology had made children lazier. The increase in exposure to electronic devices would create negative impact on the development of children at younger age. Technology is not the solution that would